Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  10
Number of Issues  12
Number of Articles  61
Article View  19,372
PDF Download  21,491
View Per Article  317.57
PDF Download Per Article  352.31

Aquaculture and Environment Society (MIAES). It is providing a global perspective on the aquaculture sciences of all cultivated aquatic all aquatic organisms, (algae, fish, crustaceans, mollusks….etc) relevant to freshwater, brackish, and marine aquaculture. Topics range from extensive aquaculture to laboratory studies. The Journal specifically seeks to improve our understanding of the aquaculture technology cultured species through the provision of an international forum for the presentation of reviews, original research papers and short communications. The journal is designated to the publication of original multi-disciplinary applied research and review papers in the subjects of farming culture systems, breeding, nutrition, farming engineering, fish health, fish processing, socioeconomics, pollution and aquatic resources management.

Current Issue: Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2024 

Length-weight relationship and condition factor of the Thinlip Grey Mullet (Liza ramada) in the Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt.

Pages 43-49

Ahmed A. Rabea; Mostafa A. El-Sayed; Ashraf Y. El-Dakar; Mohamed S. Ahmed; Samah K. Ahmed; Ahmed M. Al-Beak